Setting Timezone

If you use Betsender outside UK, most likely you will need to properly set up your timezone to get correct race times. It is also required if you download tips from one of services available in the bot (for example, The Bet Plan). This tutorial explains how to do this.

First, of course, you need to make sure that your computer has correct date and time, matching your local time.

Next, you need to set your timezone on Betfair. Open Betfair site, login to your account. Then click ‘My Account’->’My Details’. On the My Details page click ‘Edit timezone’ link (highlighted in red).

You will see a new page the next page where you should select your local timezone and enter your Betfair password. Click OK to save changes.

You may need to restart the Betsender to apply timezone change.

Auto Download Tips at Certain Time

If you want to download tips at certain time every day automatically, open Tools->’Download Tips’. Tick ‘Download tips automatically’ and set a time.

You should set a time when the tips are already available. For example, The Bet Plan publishes tips at 11:00 – 12:00 UK time. If you live in Australia, you must set your local time when tips already available. For instance, if your local time is Australian +10.00 GMT, put in 23:00 as time to download tips.

If you have any problems, please, contact me directly by email info (at) betsender (dot) com.